Like all bloggers do, I say I'm going to write more then I don't! So here I am. Sitting on the couch after one kid is finally asleep after a coughing fit ( we are all sick like all humans in these parts are atm). My oldest is holding off sleep via the ,"BUT I HAVE TO GO POTTY!" route. So here I am contemplating how to feel productive after a long day of "momming" and "wifing" and "sicking"... YES I am aware. Those are not actual words. I'm sitting with swirls of thoughts and ideas and plans and no energy to start any of them at 11 pm. I really want to start spring cleaning since we have been able to pry open our windows for the first time in months and let in some fresh air. Something about that makes even the laziest of us humans feel like we should be doing SOMETHING productive. I was going to sit on the edge of the bath tub monitoring my 4 year old who was using potty time as an escape from bed time as it might help speed up the process but my little one has my gift for gab and she will keep me there as long as she can if that means she doesn't have to go to bed. I also know there is only so long my butt can literally sit on the edge of that bath tub. Like literally my butt. My ass would fall asleep before my little one would be ready to throw in the towel. Then it hit me. I was staring at the bathroom closet. The catcher of all the miracle creams and shampoos I have collected that smell great and promise dazzling effects. The keeper of the gazillion bath tub toys my kids think they need for every bath. The out dated medicine, the half tubes of lotion, the abandoned bobby pins and pony tail holders , rogue band-aids, etc. Combined in the mess is the decorative bins I had bought awhile back at a sad attempt to keep this bathroom closet neat and tidy. But ....I can only control myself. I can't control any other pair of hands that dive into my neatly organized bins to find something and tear the joint up. I wish I could! But I can not.
I decided at that point to get off the edge of the tub before my butt fell asleep and fetch a garbage bag to start tossing the eye sores away. I'm not sure how I had accumulated so many things I never really planned on using again, but somehow I managed too and they needed to go! As I began effortlessly assessing each bottle and expiration date I realized how easy it actually was to get stuff done even when you think you don't have the time to get stuff done.
Now I have a cleaner more organized bathroom closet, my toddler is still claiming she has too poop, and I have retired to the train table in my living room that is not doubling as a computer desk where my laptop sits nicely so I can share my tiny tidbit of advice with the handful of those who might stumble across it here!
My advice:
Even if it is a little step, it is still a step!
Sometimes a task seems soooooooo huge that we dare not even fathom trying to overcome it . Do not be discouraged, every little bit counts and you feel that you have accomplished a lot more than you would have if you never tried in the first place!
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